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This is a complete installition of a electric car charger for your home or small business. This will include:

  • ALL MATERIALS (including a home Phase 2 charger up to $600 in value, including: Tesla, Mercedes, Bmw, etc. all included)
  • Installion of the wired or corded module upto 100 feet away from the electric panel.("fishing" of lines within walls could require additional charges of $5 per foot) 
  • Certified Electrician on site
  • Use of second Handyman free of charge when needed
  • Setup and tutorial for smart systems
  • Personalized preinstallation consultation to review system selection, electrical requirments, placement, and compatibility with electrical panel
  • 1yr PARTS AND INSTALATION GARANTEE - Anything happens within 1 yr from install we will replace the module for FREE* (*based on trouble shooting and RTA from charger manufacturer)

Electric Car Charger Home Installation

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